About Me
I hold a B.Tech. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Delhi and a Masters in Computational Finance from Carnegie Mellon University.
I worked on the Derivatives Research & Trading desks at some well known investment banks (Credit Suisse, Merrill Lynch, Deutsche Bank) and hedge funds (Harborview Trading Associates, Indea Capital) before starting ANKAM, my own business venture which applies Machine Learning in the field of Finance and Healthcare.
I have published two books and have written various articles, some of which are available in the articles section of this website.
Links to My lectures, delivered as an adjunct professor at the Singapore Management University, are on the Talks section of this website.
I have a passion for bird photography. Both I and my wife Naina share a keen interest in the arts. We love traveling and trekking.

With Ishaan

My son Ishaan
With my wife naina